Friday, June 29, 2012

The Fireplace Wall

So in our little family room, we have this fireplace.  Don't love.  Don't hate it, but NOT crazy about the sheetroc mantle.  (this is in the builder "what were they thinking?" category.

It started last week as a conversation with the husband:
Me:  "Sweetie...I was thinking...wouldn't it be nice if we did _____".
Dan:  "That does sound interesting, but it won't work because ____".
Me: "Perhaps if we were to ____, it might work.  I know if youmull it over, you'll have a ideas to ______".      
Dan (the next morning):
 "You know, if we were to do _____, I bet we could get this done next weekend."
Presto!  (Love ya honey!) 

So here's a what I came up Dan has to build it :).

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